This melodiously musical drama revolves around the trials and travails in the life of Vicky Kapoor (Amitabh Bachchan), the only son of multi-millionaire industrialist, Amarnath (Pran). Vicky grows up to be an alcoholic, a spoilt brat but with a good heart, primarily because of Amarnath's indifference and apathy towards him. However, Amarnath feels that he has done his duty towards his son because he provides him money in lieu of affection and care, leaving his emotional and personal needs to be taken care of by Munshi Phoolchand (Om Prakash).
Vicky is very resentful of being ignored by his dad, and leaves no stone unturned to mock and belittle him. Amarnath hopes to get his son married, but Vicky loves Meena (Jayapradha), the daughter of a poor blind man, who makes a living as a dancer, a match that is certainly not acceptable in Amarnath's eyes.
One day, Amarnath decides he has had enough and decides to turn Vicky out of his house. He has him sign waivers and asks him to get out, which Vicky happily does. While Vicky is relieved of being freed from his dad's control, the question remains that with no skills at making a living, how is Vicky to survive in a cold-hearted world?
Did you know? Amitabh Bachchan had burnt his hand during the 1983 Diwali celebrations. As a result, he is seen keeping his left hand in his pocket in the film, which became the style of his character. Read More
This film is loosely based on the Hollywood movie Arthur (1981).
Amitabh Bachchan had burnt his hand during the 1983 Diwali celebrations. As a result, he is seen keeping his left hand in his pocket in the film, which became the style of his character.
Versatile actress Smita Patil makes a sizzling cameo appearance during the song "Jahan Char Yaar Mil Jaye".
Kishore Kumar's songs in the film got all the five nominations for best male playback singer at the Filmfare Awards, the highest for any singer at the Filmfare Awards. He won the award for the song "Manzilein Apni Jagah".
Sharaabi 1984
01 Jun 1984 ● Hindi ● 3 hrs 12 mins
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