Prabhu, the chairman of Chennai's Government Arts College, is asked by his Principal to invite the Governor of Tamil Nadu, Kakarlal Sathyanarayana Moorthy (Girish Karnad), to be the chief guest on the annual day of the college. When he goes to invite Kakarla, he bumps into his daughter, Shruthi (Nagma), and instantly falls in love with her. To propose his love for her, he even joins in the same dance class as her. She too subsequently gets to know more about him, and falls in love with him.
Since there is considerable fear of terrorism in the state, Kakarla does not permit his daughter to travel anywhere without bodyguards. On one occasion, she manages to give them the slip and runs away with Prabhu from a dance festival. Shortly after, a serious threat of a bomb surfaces and Shruthi is immediately brought home. Consequently, Prabhu is arrested and Shruthi is forbidden to see him.
After being beaten severely, Prabhu is released from police custody. He then goes to meet Shruthi, unaware of the changed circumstances. This is where he finds evidence that will lead him to a hideout of terrorist Mallikarjuna (Raghuvaran) who is the mastermind of bomb blasts, and joins forces with Kakarlal for killing innocent civilians. Whether Prabhu will become a victim or emerge a victor forms the rest of the story.
Did you know? The song "Mukkabla" was plagiarised freely by Bollywood's tunesmiths and nearly a dozen versions of the song were churned out, a feat that earned Mukkabla and Rahman a place in the Limca Book of Records. Read More
The song "Mukkabla" was plagiarised freely by Bollywood's tunesmiths and nearly a dozen versions of the song were churned out, a feat that earned Mukkabla and Rahman a place in the Limca Book of Records.
The song "Mukkabla" became recognised on a national level, becoming one of the most recognisable Tamil songs in history.
American Hip Hop artist Will I. Am and Cody Wise sampled the song "Urvasi Urvasi" for their song "Its My Birthday".
Bollywood Brass Band did a instrumental version of "Urvashi Urvashi" for the album Rahmania.
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