Mumbai-based book-keeper, Rohit Awasthi, reflects on life, and his attraction to two women. The first is a model, Simran Kapoor, and the other is his neighbor, Soha. While watching a DVD of Simran, he gets to view a message that he will win Rs.3 Lakhs if a woman, Priti Agarwal, gives birth to a daughter. The woman does so, and he gets a box full of cash. He then gets another message that if he warns a gangster, Raja Thakur, that the police are going to arrest him, he will get Rs.7 Lakhs. With the help of his friend, Kabir, he assists Raja elude the police, and gets the amount in cash. The third time he is offered Rs.1 Crore if an ailing wealthy male, Rustamji Batliwala, passes away before midnight - if not - then Rohit will not only lose this sum but also all previous winnings. He must now consider killing in order to not only win the new prize but also get to keep the first two winnings.