Nelson Mandela, in his first term as the South African President, initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
Did you know? To portray Nelson Mandela as accurately as possible, Morgan Freeman, despite being is left-handed, trained himself to use his right hand when he was seen writing in this movie, because Mandela was right-handed. Read More
Morgan Freeman had been a friend of Nelson Mandela for many years, and prepared for his role as Mandela by watching some tapes of him to perfect his accent and rhythm of speaking. However, the most difficult part was Mandela's charisma, which could not be duplicated: "I wanted to avoid acting like him; I needed to be him, and that was the biggest challenge. When you meet Mandela, you know you are in the presence of greatness, but it is something that just emanates from him. He moves people for the better. That is his calling in life. Some call it the Madiba magic. I'm not sure that magic can be explained."
To portray Nelson Mandela as accurately as possible, Morgan Freeman, despite being is left-handed, trained himself to use his right hand when he was seen writing in this movie, because Mandela was right-handed.
Nelson Mandela said that no one but Morgan Freeman could portray him. Freeman was the first actor cast.
Invictus 2009
11 Dec 2009 ● English ● 2 hrs 14 mins
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