The residents of Haddonfield don't know it yet... but death is coming to their small sleepy town. Sixteen years ago, a ten year old boy called Michael Myers brutally kills his step father, his elder sister and her boyfriend.
Sixteen years later, he escapes from the mental institution and makes his way back to his hometown intent on a murderous rampage pursued by Dr Sam Loomis who is Michael's doctor and the only one who knows Michael's true evil.
Elsewhere a shy teenager by the name of Laurie Strode is babysitting on the night Michael comes home... is it pure coincidence that she and her friends are being stalked by him?
Did you know? Danielle Harris was 29 years old when she was cast as the teenage Annie Brackett. The movie was released nearly three months after her 30th birthday. Read More
Character Error The sheriff calls the dead animal in a scene left on the grave a coyote, but it is in fact a type of fox.
Continuity In a scene where Laurie is walking to school and stops at the Myes' house she has no backpack, but in the following scene she is carrying one.
Continuity In a scene where Laurie is trapped in the Myers' house her hair goes from curly to straight in each shot.
Revealing Mistakes In a scene wherethe ten-year-old Michael Myers goes to get the knife from the drawer to kill his sister, as he removes it the knife bends slightly, revealing that it to be a fake.
Revealing Mistakes In a scene where Michael Myers stabs a boy and he is attached to the wall because of the knife, the knife is sticking too far out for it to go through his body and into the wall.
John Carpenter said he would not criticize the film because Rob Zombie is a friend of his.
Earlier Emma Stone auditioned for the role of Laurie Strode.
Before reinventing the legendary Halloween (1978), Rob Zombie informed John Carpenter about it. In response, Carpenter encouraged Zombie to "make it own".
Malcolm McDowell ruined a great number of takes by invoking laughter in the other actors.
Tyler Mane is the tallest actor to portray Michael Myers with a height of 6'9.
Danielle Harris was 29 years old when she was cast as the teenage Annie Brackett. The movie was released nearly three months after her 30th birthday.
The film underwent re-shoots as a result of poor test screenings. These included a new escape for Micheal from the hospital as well as an alternate ending.
Rob Zombie originally wanted Danielle Harris to play Laurie Strode and Sheri Moon Zombie to play Lynda.
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