Did you know? The character Chen was originally written for a man. After Karen Sheperd successfully gained a chance to audition for the role, the producers changed the role to a woman and Karen won the role. Read More
In an interview with The New York Times in 2001, Angelina Jolie said about this movie: "After I saw it, I went home and got sick."
Reese is a reference to Kyle Reese, Michael Biehn's character from The Terminator (1984) which was about a cyborg from a post-apocalyptic future.
The character Chen was originally written for a man. After Karen Sheperd successfully gained a chance to audition for the role, the producers changed the role to a woman and Karen won the role.
Cyborg 2 1993
24 Nov 1993 ● English ● 1 hr 39 mins
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