This masterfully crafted martial arts drama revolves around Paramu, a young man, who is living with his grandfather, mother and his mute sister. His family lost their property to his uncle who killed his father in the explosion of explosives set for a festival long back. His sister lost her normal life due to a man, who tried to rape her during a festival which also happened years ago, when Paramu was a child. The man who raped her, Shankunni is an assistant of Parmu’s uncle.
One day on the request of his grandfather for the Chilambu (a special ornament of religious significance) Paramu sets off to the place of his ancestral home, where his uncle is enjoying their family properties and ancestral home and where the chilambu is now. His childhood friend and fiancée Ambika (daughter of his uncle) was waiting for Paramu’s return. She is overjoyed on Paramu’s return. The friendship and love rekindles between the two.
On his return Paramu makes his point clear that he has come for nothing but the chilambu. But his resolute and cruel uncle rejects him and threatens to kill him if he comes again for the same demand. Meanwhile, his childhood friends Ramu and Sahadevan also rekindles their friendship with Paramu. To them Ramu tells why he has come there.
When Paramu’s interference becomes unbearable for his uncle, he tries to sell off the chilambu to a foreigner and a Christian jewellery merchant. But after experiencing some traumatic supernatural incidents the night after he decided to sell the chilambu, he decides to abandon the idea of selling the chilambu. The Christian jewellery merchant also experiences similar supernatural incidents.
Later the uncle decides to appoint someone for his security since Paramu is a valiant martial art expert. He calls his niece who knows Karate for his security. One day Ambika comes to Paramu and tells him that she will give him the chilambu, if he comes to the ancestral home at night upon her signal. Paramu follows her instructions, but will Ambika be true to her word? Can Paramu succeed in taking possession of the chilambu and avenge the injustices done against his mother and grandfather? How will the relationship between Paramu and Ambika pan out?
Did you know? The script for this movie was written by the director, Bharathan himself, based on a novel by N.T Balachandran by the same title. He also wrote the lyrics for this movie. Read More
Babu Antony made his screen debut as the film's primary antagonist.
This movie is considered by many as one of the rare and genuine Malayalam films of the martial arts genre. Martial arts has vital role in this movie, depicting 'Kalarippayattu', the traditional martial art of Kerala and also Karate.
The script for this movie was written by the director, Bharathan himself, based on a novel by N.T Balachandran by the same title. He also wrote the lyrics for this movie.
Chilambu 1987
09 May 1987 ● Malayalam ● 1 hr 55 mins
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