This offbeat love story follows the ups and downs in the life of Aravindan, an innocent, kind hearted but mentally challenged tailor working at a tailor shop. Although he quit schooling after the fifth grade, he has an exceptional talent for tailoring, especially ladies garments. His services are indispensable to the shop owner.
The other tailors who can't match his talent pick on him and taunt him every chance they get. Aravindan is secretly in love with his childhood friend Anitha who is also his staunch supporter. Anitha's family see him as nothing more than a simpleton and a mere handyman and has no insecurities about letting Aravindan into their home. His growing desire for Anitha puts a strain on their friendship. Will Anitha ever look upon him as anything more than a friend? Will Aravindan succeed in breaking societal and ideological barriers and marry Anitha?
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