"Bhimaa" is an exciting Telugu action drama directed by A. Harsha and produced by K. K. Radhamohan. Starring Gopichand alongside Priya Bhavani Shankar and Malvika Sharma. Ravi Basrur provides the music, while Swamy J captures the visuals.
Did you know? Producer KK Radhamohan teases extra surprises in the film, including a new role for hero Gopichand. He encourages audiences to witness the new character on the big screen, building anticipation for this mysterious addition to the movie, while Gopichand's rugged appearance remains a secret. Read More
KGF fame Ravi Basrur is the music composer for this Film.
Telugu debut of popular Kannada director A Harsha.
Priya Bhavani Shankar, Malvika Sharma are playing leading roles in the film.
Producer KK Radhamohan teases extra surprises in the film, including a new role for hero Gopichand. He encourages audiences to witness the new character on the big screen, building anticipation for this mysterious addition to the movie, while Gopichand's rugged appearance remains a secret.
Director Harsha's work on "Bengal Tiger" infused Bhimaa with a fresh perspective.
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