Did you know? This film's original screenplay derived in part from the book Alexander the Great, published in 1973 by the University of Oxford historian Robin Lane Fox. Read More
This film's original screenplay derived in part from the book Alexander the Great, published in 1973 by the University of Oxford historian Robin Lane Fox.
As a historical advisor, Professor Robert Lane Fox didn't get on-screen credit. His price for giving his advice was to be allowed to take a place at the head of what is one of the largest cavalry charges ever filmed. Professor Fox was used to riding around the English countryside, but gladly dressed up as a Macedonean cavalry officer to live his dream of charging for Alexander.
Angelina Jolie, who plays Colin Farrell's mother, is less than a year older than him.
Alexander 2004
24 Nov 2004 ● English ● 2 hrs 55 mins
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